Poor man's accessories for iPad2

I guess some people feel Apple's accessories are expensive. If you've got a cheapest model of iPad2, and carelessly bought many accessories, the expense will be comparable to iPad's price itself !

I' ve got some very cheap accessories.

1. Stands

Most cutting board stands will work as iPad stands.


I found this stand in a Daiso store. Isn't it cool?

Comparison with typical stand

Daiso's stand \105

Sanwa MR-IPADST1 \2,394

2. Sleeves

A DIY sleeve. I used a thin urethane sheet found in my room.


It's not enough cool so I will get more expensive sleeve in near future. However, this sleeve also works well for my purpose.

Comparison with typical sleeve

DIY sleeve \0

PDA-IPAD23G \1,980



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